Director: Jon Favreau
Cast: Robert Downey Jr (Tony Stark/Iron Man), Jeff Bridges (Obadiah Stane), Gwyneth Paltrow (Pepper Potts)
Director: Jon Favreau
Cast: Robert Downey Jr (Tony Stark/Iron Man), Jeff Bridges (Obadiah Stane), Gwyneth Paltrow (Pepper Potts)
Directed by: Jon Favreau
Cast: Robert Downey Jr, Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Scarlett Johansson, Sam Rockwell, Mickey Rourke, Samuel L Jackson
While the original Iron Man movie is situated in the giddy heights of this poll (we won’t say exactly where yet in case you’re browsing through in order) its sequel doesn’t even make the top 40. Was it really that bad? Possibly not, but there was a complacent feel the film, and complacency, it seems, breeds contempt.
兩個南轅北轍的人被迫結伴同行,這趟瘋狂旅程足以改變他們的人生。RDJ. 飾演準爸爸 Peter Highman,五天後就是太太 Christine(Michelle Monaghan)的預產期,他希望能趕上飛機,從亞特蘭大飛到妻子身邊陪她生產,不過事與願違。倒霉的他遇上滿有抱負的演員 Ethan Tremblay(Zach Galifianakis),二人被迫一起搭上順風車,展開了一次穿州過省、摧毀無數車輛、友情,甚至 Peter 神經的旅程!若覺得 The Hangover 品味欠奉,那麼 Due Date 絕不會是你的那杯茶。多得 Zach Galifianakis 飾演的無敵搞笑脫線男,Due Date 成為今年最「俗」的美式搞笑片之一。電影講的是人生態度、家庭價值,但他的言行舉止恐難以被道德衛士接受。話説《Due Date》的台灣譯名「臨門湊一腳」、香港譯名「臨盆急先瘋」... 管家仔其實都沒有很滿意,大家又是否有更佳的建議呢?!那麼一邊想... 一邊來看看 RDJ. 和 Zach 三段瘋狂又該死的訪問片段吧...
Todd Phillips 憑藉票房黑馬 The Hangover 躋身賣座導演行列,今年新戲《Due Date》除找回「Fat Jesus」Zach Galifianakis 之外,更邀請到 Robert Downey Jr. 擔綱主角!一個是搞怪諧星,一個是冷面笑匠,兩人首度合作又會擦出什麼爆笑火花?
RDJ. on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson (13. Mai. 2010)
RDJ. on Live! with Regis & Kelly (29. Apri. 2010)
IM2 Worldwide Press Conference (23.Apri.2010)
Press Member: For Robert and for Jon, I wanted to ask what pressure you might have felt or did not feel doing a sequel to the first film which was such a blockbuster and knowing that the fans were just waiting with bated breath. Did you feel pressure?
......或者..........'05 年的 kiss kISS bAng banG 是個不錯的開始......
看過 IM2 的朋友都知道,在電影最後結尾還有 10 秒鐘的畫面......... 那究~~~竟是什麼?!一起來看看...
IM2 Interview - RDJ. @ moviefone
RDJ. on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (05.Mai.2010)
大家先欣賞以下 4 段 clips...... 說好的影評呢?! 我...........正在寫.......
I Need An Assistant
RDJ. on The Late Show with David Letterman (28. Apri. 2010)
耐心有欠的朋友第一段可以直接從 2'35'' RDJ. 出場開始看起...
Stark Expo 74
4'32''...... ending...
.............and......上映在即,強打一下 IMAX trailer
電影置入性行銷的力量真是無遠弗屆... Audi R8 V10 Spyder...看著看著...就...搞的我都想去買了 (一定不會有人覺得我其實是愛買 + 牽拖吧?!)但是....更想要獲得的是那有錢也賣不著的 隨身包 (一定不會有人覺得我是貪得無厭 + 神經吧?!)
more Tony Stark, War Machine and Black Widow
(not Matt Damon)