導演 Alejandro González Iñárritu 時隔四年於坎城公開矚目新作 Biutiful 助 Javier Bardem 奪得影帝殊榮。其實他的另一作品 Write The Future 也於上週起全球獻映。
作為 Nike 世界盃宣傳廣告... Wieden+Kennedy 邀請來 Cristiano Ronaldo、Wayne Rooney、Landon Donovan、Ronaldinho、Kobe Bryant、Roger Federer、Gael Garcia Bernal 還有 Homer Simpson......... 一起玩開 Run Lola Run... 實在過癮...
through TV...
through newspaper...
through stock market...
through new born baby's name...
through YouTube...
through web share...
through viewers...
through re-creation...
through movie...
and of course...... through sporters...
now... change the history, write the future...