The Swingle Singers are a vocal group formed in 1962 in Paris, France with Ward Swingle, Anne Germain, Jeanette Baucomont and Jean Cussac. Christiane Legrand, the sister of composer Michel Legrand, was the lead soprano in the group.
There are a total of eight members in the group: two sopranos, two altos, two tenors and two basses.
The group is now (1973-present) based in London, England. The Swingle Singers are an a cappella group.
They produce complicated, technically impressive covers ranging from modern classics Björk, Annie Lennox, and (The Beatles) to classical music Bach to Contemporary Music Luciano Berio, Pascal Zavaro and Azio Corghi. Their arrangements are often informed by jazz harmonies and stylings.
- Feb 27 Sat 2010 23:59
Swingle Singers - Tchaikovsky : 1812 Overture