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since when it becomes a Chinese  Country-Western  Song   (!!!???)     

and...GOOD GOD!!! what the f**k was in Jay's mind when he yelling this "不~可~以~

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我還是忍不住要貼一下......這個實在太好笑...           ...五星級

然後...經典 outtakes......check it out......笑翻了!         

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Teaching is the most important thing......

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I know just how to whisper

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"Rocky Road to Dublin" is a fast-paced 19th century Irish song about a man's experiences as he travels to Liverpool, England from his home in Tuam. The tune has a typical Irish rhythm, classified as a Slip jig and is often performed instrumentally. The song is partially recited several times by Mr. Deasy in James Joyce's Ulysses. The words were written by D.K. Gavan, "The Galway Poet", for the English music hall performer Harry Clifton (1824-1872), who popularised the song. The Dubliners (an Irish folk band founded in 1962) version was used in the 2009 film Sherlock Holmes.

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"Running water never grows stale, so you've got to just keep on flowing."

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The Swingle Singers are a vocal group formed in 1962 in Paris, France with Ward Swingle, Anne Germain, Jeanette Baucomont and Jean Cussac. Christiane Legrand, the sister of composer Michel Legrand, was the lead soprano in the group.

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Ксения Симонова(Kseniya Simonova)(*1985 - ) is a sand animator from Ukraine. She became the 2009 winner of the show "Ukraine's Got Talent" by constructing an animation that portrayed life during the USSR's Great Patriotic War against the Third ReichNazi Germany) in World War II.

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Tim Burton 為經典童話 Alice in Wonderland 添上黑色奇幻色彩,電影主題曲亦找來走 pop punk 路線的小天后 Avril Lavigne 合作。電影歌曲合輯「Almost Alice」以 Avril 全新創作《Alice》為主打,亦為她今年六月推出的第四張個人大碟預熱。

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央視 2010 年春晚《虎躍龍騰鬧新春》 - 和誰說相聲 - 姜昆、戴志誠、趙津生

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央視 2010 年春晚《虎躍龍騰鬧新春》 - 小品《不能讓他走》 - 馮鞏、閆學晶、邵峰、韓雪、楊松

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央視 2010 年春晚《虎躍龍騰鬧新春》 - 小品《捐助》 - 趙本山、小瀋陽、王小利、孫麗榮、于洋

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  • Feb 14 Sun 2010 03:33
  • Tekken

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電影《Crazy Heart》雖未至於躋身年度佳作,仍為 Jeff Bridges、Maggie Gyllenhaal 贏得金像提名;Ryan Bingham 主唱電影歌曲《The Weary Kind》亦入圍奧斯卡。來聽聽這位牛仔出身的鄉村音樂人,他年輕但帶有老牌歌手滄桑感的聲音,猶如站在草原上任清風拂過般恬靜而坦然。

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